This couple right here has ventured through this covid mess SO extremely graceful!
They ended up having to hop around venues some, but that didn’t stop them! They ended up having their wedding with their family and friends on the Spirit of Norfolk with getting ready and some portraits at the Hilton Norfolk The Main.
This was the one wedding that didn’t get moved from stupid corona! Thank God they planned a small wedding from the get-go! It was so good to get behind the camera preserving such a special day for my people.
We weren’t so convinced the weather was going to cooperate with us and I was so close to just cancelling the trip and shoot all together but then decided what the heck. I am SO glad …..
Garrison and Amber are real troopers. It took us about 5 (at least) reschedules before we could get there session in. Between covid 19 and multiple crappy weather days, it FINALLY happened on the most beautiful day at the Moore House in Yorktown, Virginia!
Amie’s sweet momma reached out because her girl was turning 16 and she wanted to make this quarantine birthday extra special! Amie has the biggest personality and it shined! She is a girl with big dreams!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you." Psalm 139: 13-18
Sarah and Matt made my week!! They were so full of joy, love and lots of laughs! Especially right now with limited contact and connection with others, they were good for the soul!
And not to say this isn’t a nerve racking time BUT we have to CHOOSE peace, CHOOSE joy, CHOOSE hope. WE GET TO CHOOSE fear or peace. What do you choose?
I have really been procrastinating this. I don’t know what to say, how to say it. And what is there really to say that hasn’t been said already? I have typed, deleted and retyped because I truly don’t have the words so I will just answer my current most commonly asked questions regarding COVID-19.
What a way to start the season off! I knew it would be nothing short of beautiful, and indeed it was just that! And of course, you can never go wrong with the Williamsburg Winery for your scenery! It was a beautiful mostly sunny and somewhat “warm” day!
“After over a year of being in this house I have finally gotten my office to where I want it, minus a few small things like paint.
We changed the light fixture, added a rug, mounted my desk, added a small tv. Having a simple, but inspiring and clean space is extremely important for productivity!
While I do take off Sundays, I try to at least take 15 minutes ….”
“In December I went to a business conference hosted by Katelyn James in Richmond, Virginia at the Train Station.
Katelyn touched on giving up things in our business and why it is important and I couldn’t think of what more there was to give up. I have an accountant, my husband is starting to do the financial budgeting, I have someone to manage my Pinterest, I have an editor - what more is there?
I fully and wholeheartedly believe God has blessed me with everything in this business and I pray I have blessed people in return and will scream from the mountaintops that this is His business, but then I got to thinking …
On my way home I was convicted …”
“Amy and Brent have been together for six years! After being neighbors growing up, they finally decided to …. “
“In 2019 our goal was to set boundaries, make routines and ultimately prioritize what is most important to us. Things needed to change and they did - in SUCH a good way. This included change for myself, our marriage, for my business, for our family and many other aspects of life.
This is the best I have felt in my business, ever. I have been able to let go of things, be more present in all aspects of my life (still progressing to where I want to be), dig deeper in relationships and our faith. I am so excited to be able to share these things with you because I want to encourage you to give up things to pursue other aspects of your business and life! …..”
“Everyone needs a friend group like this one! These are the 100 texts in a group text type of friends!! They met in elementary and high school and have stuck together ever since!
You think this session looks really fun right? Ok now crank that up x12. It was one of those things that you just had to be there hahahaha….”
“Lauren and Chris’ wedding was bea-u-ti-ful!!!
I didn’t have the chance to meet Chris and Lauren since they are living out of town, but after talking on the phone with Lauren a few times and gathering that one…..”
“This family session is near and dear to my heart - these people right here are so special to us!
This family’s story is incredible, God’s hand is all over it. I just…”
I can’t believe it has almost been a year since I last saw this family when their boy Easton arrived! Remember that darling newborn session in the Studio at Wharf Hill?! Here they are again!!
I had SO much fun with Lauren. She reached out to me after seeing her neighbors photos and immediately wanted to do a branding session! She is an expert on Etsy shops and is a killer wreath designer.
“Do you recognize this family?! I did Becca’s maternity and then photographed sweet Annaleigh shortly after she came home from the hospital. Then photographed Brandon meeting her on Christmas Eve at his homecoming, what an awesome Christmas gift!!!
I was so excited to see them again and was so thankful for the beautiful weather!
The girls were so much fun, they were…”
“Chris and Jordan were troopers!! We all got up at the crack of dawn! It was looking like it was going to rain and thankfully the sun came out, then….”
“I met Brittany when she was a bridesmaid a couple years ago at Rachel and Josh’s wedding! She reached out to me a while ago about me now photographing her and Chris’ wedding and I am so glad….”
“A few weeks ago I photographed his momma’s maternity session, and this week I had the pleasure of photographing sweet Preston’s lifestyle newborn session!
He is the cutest, perfectly sized newborn. My favorite part was…”
“This sweet maternity session was a few weeks ago! It was a gorgeous day and if I remember correctly, it wasn’t tooo hot…..Their sweet baby boy, Preston, has arrived since their session and I had the privilege to photograph his newborn session earlier this week. His blog will go live first thing tomorrow morning!!”
“I have photographed Kyle and Samantha for a few years now! I truly love this couple, they are so much fun and are extremely sweet!
Kyle told me his plans about a month ago and asked if I would be willing to document him proposing, of course I was!! We collaborated with Sam’s mom and she ended up telling her she wanted pictures of Samantha and her sister Courtney.
The session time comes and Kyle….”
“Woah! I have not blogged in forever, like a month haha. I am working on getting back into the swing of blogging and then catching up on the sessions that I have slacked on blogging.
For now, here is Whitney and Colby’s engagement session at Fort Monroe. They chose Fort Monroe because that is…”
Remember that one night last week that was almost chilly? This was the night of their session and it was GLORIOUS. I have been shooting in the nasty hot weather every other day so I much appreciated the “chilly” night!
“The weather was calling for rain and I am so thankful we decided not to cancel because it didn’t rain a drop! We decided to…”
They have had so much thrown at them, but they are just so glad to be married!! First covid. Need I say more?! Ha! Then her poor grandma came in town and fell, making it not feasible for her to attend her wedding which is hard in itself.
These “punches” didn’t damper their day. It was beautiful. Sunny, not too hot and they had a party! Their venue, The Riverside on the Potomac was so lovely! Added it to my favorites!!
There were SO many special aspects to her day! She is the….