As of a couple weeks ago our lives were uprooted. Jobs laying off, schools and daycares closed, social distancing/quarantining, etc. We have all been experiencing this uncertainty. Will we have any income next month? Will Travis have a job tomorrow or the next day? How long will this last? What if my family members on the front line of this virus catch it? What if my grandparents catch this? There are so many unanswered questions we all have and so many uncertainties we are all facing. This can bring up anxiety, fear, worry, doubt, etc.
But one thing we can stand firm on is that God knows our every need before we do. He will provide for us. He hears us. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Great Physician.
Having His peace doesn’t mean we don’t have a wave of anxiety or fear here or there, distress, etc. It is recognizing it and actively giving it to God, CHOOSING to give it to Him and NOT ALLOWING it to control us or our actions. Recognizing that He fights our battles. That He equips us with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). And that ultimately He will take care of us.
This line was in my devotion the other day and I love it. “The more we are reminded of God's deep love for us, the less fear’s grip will be able to hold our hearts hostage because His perfect love casts out all fear.” That is so true!!
And not to say this isn’t a nerve racking time because I have sure had my moments BUT we have to CHOOSE peace, CHOOSE joy, CHOOSE hope. WE GET TO CHOOSE fear or peace. What do you choose?
We wholeheartedly are standing firm Him and here’s how we are filling our minds with His truths and promises:
Constantly playing worship music. I even made a COVID-19 playlist
I have added things into my bible time that help with intentionally focusing on defending away the fear, anxiety and worry. Such as small devotionals on the Bible App.
Reading right from the bible. I normally do this, but I really enjoy reading right from His Word. I have linked some scripture that have helped me! Psalm 91 | Job 22:21 | Philippians 4:7 | John 16: 33 | Psalm 23 | 2 Peter 1:2 | Joshua 1:9 | Isaiah 43:2 | Exodus 14:14 | Colossians 4:2 | Luke 9-14 | Matthew 10:29 | Matthew 6:26 | Hebrews 12:1-3 | John 10:10 | Revelation 22:13 | Matthew 6:8 | Romans 9:22-26 | Proverbs 28:25 | Psalm 130:5 | Psalm 60: 11-12 | Psalm 62 | 1 John 4:18
Part of my bible time is to right down the first few things that are on my hear that I am grateful for. And especially in this season, it has been so good!
Limiting social media
I hope you find this helpful! If there is anything I can do for you, I would seriously love to! Just shoot me an email or message!
Psalm 91 | Job 22:21 | Philippians 4:7 | John 16: 33 | Psalm 23 | 2 Peter 1:2 | Joshua 1:9 | Isaiah 43:2 | Exodus 14:14 | Colossians 4:2 | Luke 9-14 | Matthew 10:29 | Matthew 6:26 | Hebrews 12:1-3 | John 10:10 | Revelation 22:13 | Matthew 6:8 | Romans 9:22-26 | Proverbs 28:25 | Psalm 130:5 | Psalm 60: 11-12 | Jeremiah 30:17 | Proverbs 17:22
COVID-19 Worship Playlist