Brett and Katelyn's Kiln Creek wedding was absolutely stunning! This couple is near and dear to my heart - she is my sweet cousin!!
She got ready with her momma and her girls. It was the sweetest thing. Her momma had been looking forward to giving her those earrings, help her button her dress - everything! She even wore her momma's veil!
Katelyn did a first look with her daddy and boy was it a tear jerker!!! It was so sweet and special. He told her she looked as pretty as her momma did. She lost it. He lost it. I lost it.
Their ceremony was perfect! Her daddy gave her away. Brett was blown away with her dress and how gorgeous she looked. It was short, sweet and to the point - they just wanted to be married already!!
Everything about their wedding was special. Their first dance was so sweet!! Katelyn's dad picked the song they danced to so it made it that much more special! At the end of all of the dances, Katelyn surprised her momma with a dance - Her momma loved it!!! It was so sweet. After all her mom's been through with life and the wedding planning, I'm sure it was the icing on the cake!